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Confidence Boldness and Authenticity



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Stepping into a new leadership role can be tough, leaving you feeling unprepared and stressed.


  • Are you stepping into a leadership role and feeling both excited and overwhelmed?

  • Are you  grappling with imposter syndrome, gender biases, and balancing personal and professional demands?

  • Are you feeling the pressure to succeed?

  • Are you having self-doubt and feeling a sense of isolation?

  • Do you lack the right mentors and support networks? 

Join a community that supports your personal growth, champions your individuality, and inspires you to lead fearlessly.

Here, you’ll find the tools, mentorship, and encouragement you need to rise to positions of influence and

make your mark on the world.It’s your time to shine. Let’s lead together.


Discover Your Leadership Potential with Our Free Guide!

Ready to step into your power and make your mark as a leader? We’ve got just the thing for you! Introducing "The Ultimate Leadership Kickstart Guide for Ambitious Women" – your go-to resource for developing the skills, confidence, and mindset to lead fearlessly.

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I’m Althea Mitchell, a founder, lawyer, author, spiritual leader, and mother. I created LeadHers Club with a mission close to my heart: to empower  new, and aspiring women leaders to step into

their power and change the world.

When I first stepped into leadership roles, I faced a world that often told me I didn’t belong. People said I was too young to lead, that women shouldn’t be leaders, and that it wasn’t my place. These stereotypes almost paralyzed me and made me want to quit. But deep down, I knew we could redefine leadership on our own terms, and I wanted other women to know this too.

I’m so excited you’re here!

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Here’s the truth we face

Every Day…

The traditional masculine-focused approach to leadership doesn’t fit the bill for today’s modern woman. It’s outdated, leaving us feeling like we’re trying to fit into shoes that are two sizes too small. What we need is a leadership model that’s inclusive, inspiring, purpose-driven, and grounded in faith.

Whether in business, ministry, or the corporate world, women are often trailing behind men in leadership roles. But here’s the kicker: when women are at the decision-making table, organizations thrive—financially, innovatively, culturally, and spiritually. We belong in leadership because our voices matter, our perspectives are valuable, and our impact is undeniable, guided by our faith.

Yet, the struggle persists. Women in leadership roles are working just as hard as their male counterparts but aren’t seeing the same pay or recognition. We’re often told to be seen and not heard, our voices silenced under the weight of outdated expectations.

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  • Only a measly 6% of women in leadership earn six figures annually, compared to 13% of men.

  • Shockingly, 109 of the top 500 companies in North America have no women on their boards.

  • And let’s not forget the dismal fact that only 27% of seats in the House of Commons are held by women.

But  here’s the thing:

We're Not Just Statistics

We’re trailblazers, change-makers, and leaders in our own right. We’re starting businesses and managing  teams, but it’s time for us to lead larger organizations too.

It’s time to rewrite the narrative. It’s time to negotiate higher earnings, conquer imposter syndrome, amplify our voices in unique ways, and embrace our authenticity, all while staying rooted in our faith. It’s time to feel powerful in our own skin and to step into leadership roles with purpose, inclusion, and a steadfast connection to our faith.

That’s why I’m on a mission to redefine leadership.

Join me as we pave the way for a new era of leadership—one where women are seen, heard, and celebrated for the incredible leaders we are, guided by our unwavering faith.

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